
10 Tips on How to Improve Sales Productivity for Your Team

What is one of the most valuable indicators of a successful business? A strong sales team! If you’re trying to grow or maintain a business, ensuring consistent sales is crucial. When sales productivity is low, company performance will take a dip - causing potential financial stress for the company. This is why it’s important to know how to improve sales performance and productivity so that your business is able to achieve greater heights. In this article, you’ll learn how to increase sales productivity so you can maintain consistent sales. 

1. Establish a lead qualification framework Pre-Event

Why waste time and money with unqualified leads? With a proper lead framework in check, you’ll be able to identify the value of each lead and focus only on the ones that matter.  

2. Provide proper sales training & onboarding

Employees are a company’s greatest asset. Research shows that 86% of new employees decide whether to stay with their new organization within the first few months. Research also says that only 12% of employees agreed strongly that their organization does a great job at onboarding new employees and properly equipping them for their new role.  What this means is the onboarding process plays an important role not only in employee  satisfaction,  but also training and sales productivity, leading to  team's performance. 

If you’re looking to streamline your onboarding process for your company, you can consider using Gnowbe. With Gnowbe, you can speed up and streamline your onboarding process by putting all of your content in a program that your employees can go through on their own. Gnowbe is designed to be highly interactive and engaging, so it feels like you are right there with them in person, walking them through every step of the way. It also integrates with various HR systems such as SAP SuccessFactors and offers content creation & training support. 

Other than hiring and onboarding top talent, it’s also important to continue training them so that they are able to upskill themselves, leading to higher retention.

3. Have a thorough understanding of your customers

Getting to know your customers inside and out is one of the best ways to  improve sales performance. Identify your ideal  customer, by creating an ideal customer profile. An ideal customer profile is a detailed description of your current customer and why they choose to stay with your company. Spending the time to create an ideal customer profile will save time on the back end, by showing where your sales team can maximize their efforts. 

One of the ways you can build customer profiles would be to take note of your best customers and list down the demographics, psychographics, socioeconomics, geographic as well as segmentation. From there, you’ll get a rough idea about your customers. 

4. Come up with daily goals

Without a doubt, creating daily goals is one of the best ways to increase sales productivity. At the very least, the sales team has something to strive for with the specific goal in mind. Be sure to follow up at the end of the day to check whether the goals have been met.

5. Sales activities should be tracked & measured

To increase sales productivity, you’ll have to check your current efforts so that you’ll know which area requires improvement. This helps to avoid wasting time on sales tasks that have low ROI. 

For instance, your team can check the number of follow-ups, proposals, or emails that have been sent. Other than that, take note of the close-ratio rate as it’ll help to measure the performance of a salesperson. This gives a rough idea of the actual leads that were closed in comparison with the proposals or emails that have been sent out. 

6. Create a routine or schedule

If you’re looking for ways to increase sales productivity, the most common tip would be to set a schedule or routine. Being organized can help to make sure everyone is able to set their priorities straight. Most companies tend to see results with productivity tools such as Asana and Trello. The whole team can be added to one universal calendar which can be viewed/edited by each member. 

7. Celebrate achievements

For every achievement such as hitting a KPI, should be celebrated! Especially the sales team member  who closed the deal. One of the ways you can celebrate and encourage a high achieving sales team is to offer commissions or simply host a celebratory meal. This helps to build team morale and makes the employees feel more appreciated. 

8. Encourage referrals

Happy, satisfied customers are ultimately the best sales team you can have. When you properly invest in providing excellent customer service, it’ll leave a long impression on your company. Once you’ve built a stable clientele, they will recommend your company to others. 

9. Motivate the sales team

Most of the time, employees lack motivation. When they aren’t motivated to work, it’ll greatly impact overall sales productivity. Each employee has their way of getting motivated. That’s why it’s best to get to know your sales team so that you are able to motivate them in ways they can relate to. 

Try asking them what’s their favorite restaurant or find out what their hobbies/interests are. You can purchase a gift card or anything that’s related to their hobby/interest. 

10. Make use of sales tools

When it comes to implementing methods on how to improve sales performance, sales tools will be a lifesaver. Sales tools can help manage information across teams in one organized place, saving you from manually gathering information from your phone, laptop, or notebook.Instead, simply use a CRM (customer relationship management) program so that all  information can be found in one place. In addition to onboarding, Gnowbe is also a well established Sales Performance platform. 

Improve sales productivity with Gnowbe! 

Ready to take your sales teams to the next level? Consider giving Gnowbe a try! With Gnowbe, you’ll be able to streamline your sales process and boost both productivity as well as performance.

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