
How to Use Gnowbe as an Audience Engagement Tool to Replicate and Scale the In-Person Experience

Jit Hin

Are you a facilitator looking for an innovative way to level up your live events (workshop/conference/seminars) and create memorable experiences for your participants? In this article, we will share some techniques for using Gnowbe as a dynamic audience engagement tool to turn passive participants into real-time active contributors!

The idea here is to design an event engagement program that will be your all-in-one facilitation tool. We can break the design of this engagement program into three sections: Pre-Event, During-Event, and Post-Event.


For this first section, facilitators can start by sharing general information about the event, such as the agenda, speaker biography, or administrative instructions, to better prepare your audience and get them excited about what’s coming ahead. You can also design icebreaker activities in the form of interesting quizzes or selfie introductions to get acquainted with your audience beforehand.


We recommend that you also send out push/email notifications via Gnowbe Dashboard to your participants during the lead-up to your event to keep them engaged and well-informed on any updates.


Facilitators will open up Gnowbe on their browser or mobile device and do a simple screen share to start presenting. Then, have the audience open up their Gnowbe program to follow along your presentation.

The design of the During-Event section is simple. You can use Gnowbe to guide your presentation flow (just as you will with using a regular slide deck) by adding text, images, or videos.

What’s cooler is that you can intersperse your presentation with quizzes, live polls, or even lead a discussion with your audience, depending on the type of interaction you have planned for your presentation.

One technique that presenters commonly use to engage their audience when using Gnowbe will be to display the Group Board during any Q&As to encourage sharing and participation. So while you can either pose your question directly in Gnowbe or ask them live, your audience can all start answering through the program and share their answers to the Group board to see their responses displayed on screen in real-time!  


Take this opportunity to highlight and comment on your audience’s answers when they pop up on screen to make them feel involved and connected with the discussion.

Also, if you’re considering leveraging other audience engagement tools to gamify your presentation further, you can simply use our Weblink actions to embed these online activities into your program. Activities like Kahoot! quizzes or live Word Clouds can be easily integrated with the Gnowbe platform to enhance audience collaboration and interaction.


To round up your event, facilitators can design and set up a feedback session ahead of time and release it after the event to survey the audience on their experiences. This data will automatically be collated on Gnowbe Dashboard, our backend analytics engine, for easy viewing and extraction.

You can also provide your audience with any resources used during your event, including the content that was presented, by uploading and sharing these materials using our Resources feature!

Ready? It’s your turn!

Take your workshops, seminars, or conferences to the next level with the tips and tricks that you've learned today! If you'll like to learn more, click here to see how Qando Qoaching used Gnowbe to run their Global Leadership Summit.

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