
Transform your Teacher Orientation Week with Gnowbe!

If you work at a school, you are probably currently preparing for your back to school, teacher orientation week, and your agenda is most likely packed. 

Setting up classrooms, planning, communicating new policies and procedures all while building in get to know you time- it can be near impossible to get everything done before the school year starts!

That’s why we are here!

Gnowbe was designed to help you put all your essential policies, procedures and general content in one place that teachers can go through at their own pace, in their own time. 

This gives you back time to do more interactive, collaborative things during your orientation week, like setting up the classroom, brainstorming, planning and team building activities.

How does it work? 

Sample New Teacher Orientation Program Using Gnowbe

Simply add your content to a program using our super simple, content creator tool, and then share the program with your teachers to go through on their own time. 

You can add interactive elements such as responsive questions and quizzes to make sure your teachers actually understand the content, and on the backend you can see all completion rates, as well as their answers! 

You can also build in community elements such as a group wall so that your teachers can share their answers and connect to you and each other! 

What makes this better? 

We all know that just sitting through a long, passive presentation is not very effective. Most people will only remember about 10-20% of what is shared with them during that time. 

By having your teachers go through a lot of the content on their own time, they will not only be forced to interact with every element, leading to higher retention, they can also find and reference all the content later, and they enjoy it more! 

This also helps with people not being able to make certain training sessions at certain times- they can do it anytime, anywhere - even on their mobile device!

How much does it cost? 

We have a free version you can use for up to 20 teachers,  though we recommend our Pro Plan, which starts at $71 a month for 100 teachers, with the ability to add more as needed- and the good news is, schools get 20% off!!! To claim your discount, simply fill out this form and we will get back to you within 24 hours. 

For all of our pricing plans, click here. 

So what are you waiting for? 

Check out Gnowbe for yourself- we are sure that not only will you love it, but your teachers will thank you as well!


Check out this sample teacher onboarding program, or go to the templates section of our website and edit the program directly to use for your school! 

Set up a free, 15 minute demo call where we can help you get started and set up for success!

Here is to the best school year ever!

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