
Upskilling for the Future: What You Need to Know

Melissa Yeo

The only skill that will be important in the 21st century is the skill of learning new skills.
Everything else will become obsolete in time.
- Peter Drucker

In 2020, 37.5% of the Singaporean workforce held a degree — the most in history. But while we might have the most educated population ever, these degrees aren’t necessarily giving people the practical work skills they need.

University degree programs simply cannot keep pace with how fast things are changing in the workforce. Many students are currently prepared for jobs that no longer exist and many don’t have the right skills for the job they want. Skill gaps are prevalent and widening.

This becomes even more problematic with the accelerated rise of the digital economy, which is responsible for the extinction of jobs such as traditional administrative roles, and the creation of new job positions such as cloud computing specialists that did not exist 10 years ago. What are the implications, you ask? It means constantly upskilling to stay relevant in the workforce. By adding new proficiencies and/or bolstering existing skills, you add value to your marketability and make your skill-set more recession-proof.

Workers should stay nimble and be willing to adapt, and take up roles in sectors to remain relevant and competitive.
- Ho Meng Kit, on what companies look for in candidates

That said, we know that upskilling and/or reskilling can be an intimidating consideration, but education is invaluable because it’s an investment in your future. Hence, with GnowbeLearn, we’ve worked hard to ensure it is easy for you to acquire the skills you will need for the future of work. With the aim of connecting people through knowledge, GnowbeLearn offers a broad selection of courses, designed by industry experts and leading institutes of higher learning. This provides you with the freedom to explore and pursue skills aligned to your interests and aspirations, all in the comfort of knowing that you are learning from the best.

Upskilling for the Future
All our courses also come with accredited certificates, thus ensuring that you are job-ready for an in-demand career.

“Sounds like a surefire way to grow my marketability and career, but when will I ever have the time to learn?”

GnowbeLearn has got your back. Designed with the modern learner in mind, our courses are deliberately produced to support mobile microlearning. Additionally, by leveraging social learning principles, your knowledge would be further reinforced as you develop alongside, and interact with, fellow professionals along your learning pathway. We guarantee that with just ten minutes a day, you will rapidly learn the basics and/or pick up a new skill on any of our courses. Then, it’s up to you to decide how much you want to practice and delve in deeper. Furthermore, our mobile technology means that you can learn anytime, anywhere and on any device. Your learning experience is of utmost importance to us, making learning convenient for you is our priority.

Wish to give it a shot? Take the next step toward your personal and professional goals with GnowbeLearn.

Sign up now with your SkillsFuture Credit here to give yourself a leg up in your job search and help you shine to prospective employers.

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