
A Guide to Sales Performance Enablement: 5 Things to Look Out for

Ai Leen Han

First of all, what is Sales Performance Enablement?

A system of sales strategies and tools used by sales leaders that aim to maximize their sales reps’ performance. With the ultimate goal to drive business growth, sales performance enablement plays the role in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the sales team.

Why it is important to have a Sales Performance Enablement platform

A good sales performance enablement platform allows sales leaders to effectively manage their sales reps, implement new sales strategies and techniques that help to drive business growth.

A robust Sales Performance Enablement platform therefore helps to:

  • Develop,
  • Retain, and
  • Provide clear guidance to your sales reps

Employee development comes hand in hand with retainment, as invested employees are more motivated to stay. In 2018, the average sales professional tenure was reported to be 18 months, an extreme drop of 50% compared to 2010. In other words, in recent years, a sales professional would quit their previous company in less than 2 years! If the trend is to be followed, turnover could potentially be an annual event – but it does not necessarily have to be so. Clearly, the ability to develop and retain employees is crucial to a company’s success. To properly do so, this is where a sales performance enablement platform will come in handy.

5 things to look out for in a Sales Performance Enablement platform

In this competitive space, it can be difficult to discern which performance enablement platform can best serve your company. To help kickstart the process, here are 5 key things to look out for:

Sales Gamification: To drive engagement among sales reps – often including features such as leaderboards, top lists, and other opportunities for recognition

Comprehensive Analytics Suite: To provide your sales leaders with real-time insights into their sales reps’ progress, and team comparisons based on skills profile benchmarking

Automated Tools: To ensure regular and constant follow-through with your sales reps, with app notifications and emails

Communications Tool: To provide your sales reps with consistent feedback and regular “check-ins” on how they are doing

Collaborative Network: To improve your sales reps’ performance with collaborative tools – often including features such as group boards with 2-way engagement and conversations

How Gnowbe delivers on these 5 key areas

Sales Gamification: Engage with your sales reps with Gnowbe’s built-in gamification functions as they learn content through polls, quizzes, and assessments. Our leaderboard function also encourages friendly competition between sales reps.

Comprehensive Analytics Suite: Set, track and share your sales reps’ progress and development. Gnowbe’s real-time analytics suite provides sales leaders with insights on historical trends and powerful data like effectiveness, completion, interaction, group and individual performance, and more.

Automated Tools: Regularly notify and remind your sales reps to check-in with their team and sales leaders. At the same time, Gnowbe’s automated in-app, mobile and email notifications allow sales leaders to regularly re-engage with their sales reps.

Communications Tool: Providing coaching to the sales reps is one of the most important aspects of a sales leader’s role. Gnowbe’s built-in group board allows sales leaders to offer direct feedback to sales reps. Leaders can also facilitate discussions in the group board and foster conversations all year round.

Collaborative Network: Improve your workforce performance as a whole. Gnowbe’s built-in group board facilitates knowledge sharing, as sales reps in the same group can discuss and share information with one another. Sales leaders’ feedback to individual sales reps will also be transparent to everyone, extending the benefits from one to many.

To grow your sales reps and move towards your company’s goal, it is vital to invest in a good sales performance enablement platform. Support your sales team with the right tools and help them sell more effectively and efficiently. People want to grow in value and be valued; the answer lies in a sales enablement platform that will add value to, guide, and most importantly, retain your sales reps.

Need a customizable performance enablement solution?
Schedule a free consultation with a friendly Gnowbe Sales Specialist here.

Alternatively, you may consider downloading our FREE Sales Enablement Templates Kit here.

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